Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Your Social "Face"

Hello all my social media friends! This article is for all those of you who are looking to launch into a new career, take your business to the next level, or just want to look more professional online.
Why am I writing this? Because I make new friends online weekly, and I see some photos, posts and general online presence that leaves me scratching my head and saying things like, "Really??"


You know what I mean (I hope)-
*The endless up-close cutsie selfies (that all look nearly identical, I mean, how many views of your face does the world need??)
*The way-too-sexy-for-public shots... as your PROFILE PICTURE.
*Pics of you partying like a rock star (or a college student) or puffing a joint, holding a beer, etc etc.

Ladies and gentlemen, your future EMPLOYER is googling your name. Anyone you contact for a potential partnership, team members, mentors, WILL do some research. So what does this mean?
They are looking on Facebook  and Google to see what kind of person you are. Do they need to see how shapely your ass is in those super-tight stretchy jeans? Should you really have a party pic as your profile photo??

Don't get me wrong - we all like to have fun, and most people have pics of themselves drunk (or stoned) out there, but these should be buried amidst many many MANY other life experiences on your social media page. Work pic's, travel, pets, kids, family get-togethers, you get the idea.

Potential business contacts (which affect your future PAYCHECKS) need to see a well-rounded, at least somewhat serious persona when they browse your profile. *Go through the photos that you are tagged in, and take your name off of any that show excessive partying, illegal or immoral activity (even if it was 8 or 10 or 20 years ago) or are too revealing. A good test is to ask yourself, "Would I hire this person to represent my company?"
If your answer is NO, take it off the page, or at least un-tag yourself.

Now let's talk about your postings.

Take an objective look at your page. What do your posts say about you? What is the thought and energy behind most of what you post? Are they mostly positive and uplifting or encouraging, or more negative, self-pitying, snarky, or just plain juvenile?

To give the online world a better view of who you are, become someone who expresses their own thoughts and opinions, by actually WRITING THE WORDS. Rather than endlessly sharing other people's "memes" and mindless videos of low-class people doing stupid, illegal or immoral things, share your thought for the day, or a recent experience, good or bad, and something you like or dislike - it doesn't matter. Just write SOMETHING that is your original thought. People want to know, and it will build your confidence too, as other people respond in the comments. Heck, they might even share it on their page!

For example:"Just want to publicly welcome the newest member of our ______ team, Jane Doe - let's get this party started!!""I Love my family!""The grand canyon was amazing - definately should be on everyone's bucket list..." (followed by an equally awesome photo of your canyon experience)
But even if you aren't comfortable writing things yourself, you can share memes or posts that other people have written, but make sure they are POSITIVE, UPLIFTING OR JUST PLAIN FUNNY. Ex:

So you get the idea- be super diligent as to what you are putting out there - success-minded people attract successful people!
Want to up your success level in your life?
UP YOUR GAME! Take yourself seriously, and others will too.

To help you do that, look up these subjects online;

*Daily Affirmations
*Inspirational Videos (you tube)
*Inspiring Memes (for good posts to share)

Say something good online every day, even if it's just a quick re-share of something, remember, funny, positive, encouraging, uplifting.


AVOID extremes: The world is filled with all different types of amazing people, with many different views and philosophies. It is best to avoid super-controvercial topics. This means little or no POLITICAL, RELIGIOUS, OPINIONATED postings that might turn someone off. Don't burn bridges that haven't even been built yet!

Best of luck, and success to you.

Heather Vicars

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